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_SRV record for TeamSpeak Servers.
Want to hide the port from your TeamSpeak 3 Server using an _SRV record?
First we will need to get the IP of the TeamSpeak 3 Server, You can find this in an email or by viewing our game panel:
Login to your nameserver provider and create a subdomain with an A record pointing to that address: (if you are using Cloudflare, make sure its DNS only)
Then we want to create the _ts3 srv record.
Name: @ or any subdomain you would like such as voice.
Service: _ts3
Protocol: UDP
TTL: Auto or 2M
Priority: 0
Weight: 5
Port: *Find this in the panel next to the IP
Target: *The Sub Domain we just setup
You should now be able to connect to your Team Speak Server: